Monday, December 7, 2009

The Big Story of 2010

We are not quite ready to close the books on 2009, but I wanted to give you a heads up on the big story of 2010: energy.

The EPA today announced that carbon dioxide has been labelled a pollutant and can be regulated. This is a big step forward for energy regulation and is our first real indication of what the energy economy will be experiencing over the next five years.

Simply put: in the near and middle terms, you should expect energy costs to rise under any form of regulation. Here in the Southeast, we get a significant fraction of our energy from coal. And that means the cost of running your computers - especially servers - is probably going to change from an afterthought to a real concern.

Given the slow pace of economic recovery so far, your organization is probably not ready to absorb a larger electricity bill every month. But here is the good news: the technology to improve performance AND save energy is already here in the computer industry! Servcom USA already has a long list of tools and technologies that can save your organization real dollars over the coming years: virtualization, server- and cloud-computing, power management optimization, and newer Operating Systems that use existing resources more efficiently.

Your IT department can - and should - be the model for how the rest of your organization deals with energy as we transition to a more regulated energy market. Let us show you how!

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